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Ankit Jain

hello. you are @ ankit's portal. this site is about my experiments and experiences.

i am a fan of web. the web is open, but unstructured. i believe, the key-factor behind web's success is the 'view source' feature which has been there from netscape navigator days. in today's time if you are not on the web, you effectively do not exist.

read my blog and twitter for my latest updates and if you know me personally, let's socialize on facebook and linkedin. if you are a bot, don't forget to checkout my foaf/rdf description.

this design is inspired from a few "so-called" web2.0 applications and powerful jQuery. following photo-roll is my flickr photo stream. and finally i must admit, this page is not a valid w3c html.

(c) 2025, Ankit Jain अंकित जैन